Great Canfield Parish Council - executive summary
The Parish Council is the public body which represents the village of Great Canfield.
Elected every four years, it is essentially non-political and seeks to provide a forum for local decisions to be taken and also to give an opportunity for residents to bring to attention matters which are of concern to them.
The Agenda for a Meeting should be posted on the parish notice boards and on this site 3 working days before the meeting date, and minutes within 28 days.
Meetings start with a session to allow members of the public to air any matters which may be of interest or any problems they may wish to bring to the attention of the Council, before the formal meeting starts.
General responsibilities, discussed at most meetings are Planning, Highways and Road Safety, Footpaths, Local Crime Prevention, Trees and Environmental Issues.
Perhaps the most important issue which the Council considers is that of planning. Decisions are taken at District level within Uttlesford’s Planning department, but the Parish Council as a statutory consultee has the option to make recommendations both for and against which will be taken into consideration. The time period for examining planning applications is short; the Parish Council has 21 days to respond. Details of planning applications are published on Uttlesford's website and follow the links to planning, ,
Elected every four years, it is essentially non-political and seeks to provide a forum for local decisions to be taken and also to give an opportunity for residents to bring to attention matters which are of concern to them.
The Agenda for a Meeting should be posted on the parish notice boards and on this site 3 working days before the meeting date, and minutes within 28 days.
Meetings start with a session to allow members of the public to air any matters which may be of interest or any problems they may wish to bring to the attention of the Council, before the formal meeting starts.
General responsibilities, discussed at most meetings are Planning, Highways and Road Safety, Footpaths, Local Crime Prevention, Trees and Environmental Issues.
Perhaps the most important issue which the Council considers is that of planning. Decisions are taken at District level within Uttlesford’s Planning department, but the Parish Council as a statutory consultee has the option to make recommendations both for and against which will be taken into consideration. The time period for examining planning applications is short; the Parish Council has 21 days to respond. Details of planning applications are published on Uttlesford's website and follow the links to planning, ,